Think you’re the only one who gets a little anxious before networking events? Think again! We all have a tendency to overthink things when it comes to networking. Here are five common networking fears and some tips on how to get out of your head and overcome them.

Fear: I don’t know what to do
Solution: Set goals for yourself. How many people you want to talk to – do you prefer to have one in-depth conversation or four shorter ones? Do you want to connect with the host organization or spend more time talking to guests? Decide on your goals and set a time limit. Give yourself permission to leave after an hour – you don’t need to stay for the entire event if it’s causing you stress.

Fear: I don’t know what to say
Solution: Practice beforehand! Think about why you chose to attend this networking event and build an elevator pitch to support your goal. Are you looking for a new job? Want to promote your organization’s work? Want to meet new friends? Repeat your opening line out loud or in your head until you sound confident.

Pro Tip: When in doubt, just ask questions. Most people are happy to share their thoughts on new restaurants, craft beer or Netflix recommendations.

Fear: I don’t want to approach people
Solution: You don’t necessarily have to approach anyone. Spot someone you know? Team up and tag along with them for the night. The two of you can work the room and bounce conversations off each other. Plus, when people see how comfortable you two are, they are more likely to feel at ease and open up.

Another idea: Plenty of friendly faces will come by the food and drink station, so plant yourself there! Position yourself in a friendly way and make a little small talk, “Aren’t these Caprese skewers great?” From there, the conversation could easily transition to favorite restaurants, weekend plans, etc.

Fear: I don’t know how to stay in touch
Solution: End your conversation by telling the person how nice it was to meet them, and then exchange business cards – or at very least, remember their name! Within the next day, add your new contacts on LinkedIn and send them a personal message:

Hi [new contact’s name] it was great to meet you at [event] on [date]. I had a lot of fun talking to you about [topic]. I look forward to [insert call to action].

End with a call to action or what you want to get out of the relationship. Suggest that the two of you stay in touch, meet up for coffee, or work together in the future. From then on, interact with them on LinkedIn, make plans to meet up at other events and be sure to say hello when you see them around town!

Fear: I’m running out of things to say
Solution: Have short conversations with lots of people. You can repeat engaging topics with a variety of people and each conversation will likely end differently. Recognize that most conversations will naturally come to an end. So end it. Exchange contact info if you haven’t already, excuse yourself and make your way to the food station, bar or bathroom, before diving in and chatting with another group of people.

Ready to test what you’ve learned? Check out the Ad 2 Madison event calendar and register for one of our upcoming events!