Raise your hand if you’ve even been guilty of procrastinating. We are all guilty. It’s human nature to avoid doing tasks we don’t want to do. But don’t get down on yourself if you’ve let things go a little longer than you should. Staying on top of your responsibilities can become easier if you develop productive habits. To help build those habits, I’ve outlined five life hacks you can use to become a more productive human being. Let’s begin!

  1.  Make a list
    One simple place to start is by making a to-do list. I always make a weekly list of things I need to get done. Having a list will help you avoid items falling through the cracks. It’s also encouraging to be able to cross items off as you get them done.
  2. Use a planner / calendar
    In addition to a weekly to-do list, I also like to keep an updated planner and calendar. This is a great tool to keep track of events, birthdays, workout classes, appointments, etc. When you know what you have coming up in the next week, it makes it easier to prioritize your to-do list so you don’t fall behind. I go a little overboard and keep an old-school paper planner and use my calendar on my phone. I like the paper version because it forces me to write out my commitments and update my calendar each week. I also like the electronic calendar because I can set reminders and receive notifications.
  3. Pick a task per day
    After you create your to-do list and update your calendar, you might be a little overwhelmed with everything you need to get done. One of the best tips I ever got was to pick one to two tasks per day that I have to get done. On Monday I meal prep, on Tuesday I do laundry, Wednesday I make a Target run, and so on. Not every week is the same, but if you use your planner (wink, wink) you can figure out what tasks you can realistically get done with your other commitments for the week. This is a great way to stay on top of everything. I’ve found that by making this a habit, I actually end up having more free time on the weekend to relax and recharge.
  4. Treat yo self
    It’s hard to be productive when you’re tired and stressed out. Self-care is very important. I’ve found a good way to stay productive is to schedule time to be un-productive. Make sure you take time to relax and treat yourself. Another way to look at this is like a reward system. Remember your mom saying you can’t play until your work is done? Sometimes I give myself a “treat” if I can put in a productive Saturday afternoon. This could be a nice glass of wine, a new book, or my favorite…a long nap.
  5. Build a routine
    I’ve found that the more I can stick to a routine, the better luck I have with being productive. Now, I know that life is not that simple and a weekly routine can easily get derailed because, you know – life has its moments. I would encourage you to stick to a routine as much as you can. For me, I like to work out in the mornings so that I can use my time after work to do my “task” for the day or go to a networking event, like an Ad 2 Madison social (cough cough June 20)! When you organize and prioritize your time, you can fit a lot more in without getting too stressed out.

Building up the right habits can help you bring more productivity into your life. It’s not easy, and there will be times when life really gets in the way, but with a little bit of discipline, you can become a productive human others envy.