It’s that time of year again when we all take a moment to reflect on the previous year and set goals and resolutions for the next. Unfortunately, it seems to be a common occurrence to set a New Year’s resolution only to fall through on your goals a month or two later. That’s okay! We’ve all been there. But today, I’m going to share five tips to help you pick a resolution you can actually stick to!

  1. Pick a resolution that’s meaningful.

Before you can stick to a resolution, you have to pick one first. It will help you stay on track if you pick a resolution that has significant meaning to you, something you’ve been trying to achieve for a while. So make a list of things you’ve been wanting to accomplish, whether that’s a fitness goal, a financial goal, joining a professional organization like Ad2 Madison, or maybe something as simple as drinking more water, and select one item (or maybe two) from the list!

  1. Pick a resolution that’s realistic.

Many people fail to stick to their resolution because they selected something that was too unrealistic. Remember, habits are made from small changes. Sometimes people try to change too much, too fast and end up failing because the amount of change in their life is unsustainable.

  1. Make your resolution a small, specific change.

While in the same vein as tip #2, it’s important to select something that’s not only realistic and  small enough to maintain — but also specific enough to make a difference. For example, instead of setting the vague goal to “live a healthier lifestyle” set a resolution to always take the stairs (when possible). That’s a small resolution that will keep you active but won’t completely change your regular routine.

  1. Make a plan to help you execute.

Once you’ve decided on your resolution, it’s a good idea to outline a plan for how you will achieve your new goal. For example, at the beginning of 2018, my resolution was to stay out of credit card debt. So, in order to achieve that, I created a budget and checked my finances on a bi-weekly basis to keep a close eye on my goal.

  1. Set small goals to help you stay on track.

When you are creating your plan to help you execute your new resolution, it can be helpful to set smaller goals to help you stay on track throughout the year. Now, this might not work for every type of resolution, but if you are being ambitious and have set a larger goal — like running a marathon — it’s a good idea to set smaller goals throughout the year to help you achieve your big resolution.

Whether your resolution is big or small, the important thing is that you’re trying to do something that will make you a better person — and that’s something to be proud of! I hope these five tips help you pick (and stick with) your 2019 New Year’s resolution!