Trying to break into a new field or pursue a new opportunity? Or simply trying to keep up with your existing network? The COVID-19 pandemic has made networking difficult. But the Ad 2 Madison board has assembled some helpful tips for virtual networking.

Encourage “face-to-face” interaction

Have/keep your camera on so it feels more personal during your virtual networking meet up. On top of that, remove any distractions from where you’re calling from. For example, flip your phone over (or leave it in a different room completely!) and close out of your emails/browsers so you can give 100% attention to the networking event or 1:1 interaction you’re having. I know if I see a notification pop up on my phone or computer, I instantly want to check it. – Jenna Hillmer, Past President

Watch that mute button

Practice good microphone control. It is a new habit everyone is forming, mute when you’re not talking (eliminate background noise, distractions, etc.) and unmute before you begin talking. The number of times I’ve said a really great point only to hear, “Grace you’re on mute” (insert facepalm). – Grace Davenport, President

Bring a friend to virtual networking

It’s always easier to go into a group networking event when there’s a friendly face on screen. Now that networking is mostly virtual over Zoom, it can be even harder to actually take the step and show up when you’re logging on to a room full of strangers. So, convince a friend to log on, too, to put you more at ease. – Kara Rheingans, Co-Programming Chair

Send a snack

Find a way to provide value to a contact (hashtag research, ideas for a campaign for their business, competitive intel, etc.), and schedule a 30-minute virtual meeting. Title it “virtual coffee” and then send them a coffee/snack/dessert or something on Eat Street. 10/10 have been doing this at least once a week and it works like a charm. – Oley Yager, Public Service Chair

You gotta follow up after virtual networking

Just because you introduced yourself on a call and connected with a few people on LinkedIn, doesn’t mean your job is done. Keep the new connections fresh and touch-base frequently. Nothing worse than a year later running into the same connection and saying, “Oh hey, Kaine! I meant to call you last year to set up a meeting so we could start on that project.” Now you’re a year behind! – Grace Davenport, President

Email newsletters can lead to virtual networking

I send a weekly newsletter to prospects, but you can send to anyone you’d like to see you as an expert and thought leader. Send the email to folks and include ideas for their business. I get one to two people a week who reach out to me on LinkedIn from a recipient forwarding it out to their contacts. – Oley Yager, Public Service Chair

Just call people!

I just call people randomly from their business cards I picked up at events. It can be a nice break from virtual networking over video chat. I don’t ask for an appointment or really ask for anything. I call and say something like this: “Hey, it’s Oley from MESBA, we haven’t been able to meet in a few months, but I wanted to see how things are going?” It feels so awkward at first, but after your first few, you’ll be having all these awesome conversations. Some people open up over the phone and it’s such a relief to hear from a vaguely familiar, friendly voice. – Oley Yager, Public Service Chair

Slide into those DMs

If you’re curious about someone’s career or what not, just ask! Flattery goes a long way. Let them know what impresses you about their career and how much you’d love to learn from them. I’m much better with 1:1 conversations, so I’ve reached out to people on LinkedIn (and even Instagram) to ask if they’d be willing to chat some time. – Andrea Stegman, Social Media Chair

Pay attention to virtual side chats

Triple and even quadruple check when you are trying to send a 1-1 message during a virtual networking group that you are not sending it to the presenters, or the whole group, or vice versa. Many video calling services open the previously used chat for recurring meetings. “Welcome everyone, excited to be here!” Oh, sorry Jenna, meant to send that to the whole group. – Grace Davenport, President

Network virtually with Ad 2 Madison

Keep an eye on our website and social media for upcoming events and join us for a fun and friendly opportunity to test your virtual networking skills. Or take it even further and become a member and/or part of our Ad 2 Madison board. Positions are filling up for the next club year. Contact Past President Jenna Hillmer at for more information on board positions.